Bitcoin: How can I set the derivation path for a multisig across BlueWallet, Electrum and Sparrow wallet?

MULTISIG Draining Road Setting in a few wallets: step by step guide

As a Bitcoin enthusiast, you are probably familiar with the concept of multimedia wallet and their importance in ensuring your cryptocurrency. In this article, we will look at the process of setting up a large wallet derivative, using BlueWallet, Electrum and Sparrow wallets.

What is the way out?

In the Multisig cash setup, several users (signators) must check each other’s signatures to use the funds. This requires creating a unique set of addresses with specific output roads. The output path is a key sequence that, combined with a private key, allows you to withdraw all possible MultigeS wallet signing keys.

Path of detecting with Bluewallet

BlueWallet is an intuitive way to create and control multimedia wallets. To determine the output path BlueWallet:

  • Open BlueWallet : Run BlueWallet app on your device.

  • Create a new Multisig wallet : Go to File> New Wallet or use keyboard links to Ctrl+N (Windows) or CMD+N (Mac).

  • Select Multisig Type

    : Select “Main Multisig” or “Advanced Multisig” based on your requirements.

  • Set the output Road : Click the “Outbury Road” tab and enter the following format: m/44 '/0'/…" (where "M" is the number of sex,44is The length of each nest, and "/ separates individual stages). .

  • Generate a private key : Click Gerarate to create a new private key for your Multisig wallet.

  • Export PSBT : Export the generated private key and related public keys using BlueWallet export function.

Path of detection with electricity

Electrum is another popular Bitcoin wallet that supports a multifaceted wallet. To determine the output path in the electricity:


  • Create a new Multisig wallet : Click "Wallet"> "New Wallet" or use keyboard links to Ctrl+N (Windows) or CMD+N (Mac).

  • Select Multisig Type : Select "Main Multisig" or "Advanced Multisig" based on your requirements.

  • Set the Output Road : Enter the following format:m/44 ‘/0’/0 ‘/…` Chapter “Out on Roads”.

  • Generate a private key : Click Gerarate to create a new private key for your Multisig wallet.

  • Export PSBT : Export the generated private key and related public keys using Electrum export function.

Path of the detection withdrawal using Sparrow wallet

Sparrow is another wallet that supports a multifaceted wallet, although it is primarily for desktop use. To determine the output path in the sparrow:


  • Create a new Multisig wallet : Click “Wallet”> “New Wallet” or use keyboard links to Ctrl+N (Windows) or CMD+N (Mac).

  • Select Multisig Type : Select “Main Multisig” or “Advanced Multisig” based on your requirements.

  • Set the output path : In the Multisig Settings section, enter the following format: “M/44″/0/0/…

  • Generate a private key : Click Gerarate to create a new private key for your Multisig wallet.

  • Export PSBT : Export the generated private key and related public keys using Sparrow export function.

Troubleshooting tips

  • Make sure you have exported the right private and related public keys from BlueWallet, Electrum or Sparrow.

  • Check that the output path is correct by checking the “derivative road” field in your Multisig wallet settings.